2021/11/06 Online Bulletin
Sermon: Freedom from Sin
Scripture: Romans 6:6-8
Service Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vjhb1fhm8GM
Welcome to Sansung English Ministry! We are an English/Korean speaking church that gathers to experience God and community (onsite and online). Our goal is Love God, Love Others and Serve the World.
Sunday Worship 1:30 PM @Dream Hall, Jeongnim-dong 27, Seogu, Daejeon
email: rev.sang@sansung.org
Website: www.sansung.org/international
Social Media: Click the images below to visit our youtube channel and facebook group:

(1) English Ministry Outing: Nov. 12th (Sat), Sejong National Arborretum. Cell group and staff members
(2) Preparing for Drida Choir with international members
-New Comers/Visitors
If you are here for the first time, please fill out a “Guestbook”(offline) or leave comments on our YouTube service(online) and join us for fellowship after the service.
-Small Group Guide
1. Read today's word together.
2. Intro: Is there something you want to do before 2022 is over?
3. When are times you feel guilty before God or feel you are not good enough before him? What should you be reminded of in those times?
from our OOO.
-Online Offering
농협(Nonghyup) 453817-55-004790(Sunday)
농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-18(Tithe)
농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-28(Thanks offering)
농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-48(Mission’s fund)
-Bible Reading
11/7(M) | 11/8(T) | 11/9(W) | 11/10(Th) | 11/11(F) | 11/12(Sat) |
John 7-8 | John 9-10 | John 11-12 | John 13-15 | John 16-18 | John 19-21 |
2021/11/06 Online Bulletin
Sermon: Freedom from Sin
Scripture: Romans 6:6-8
Service Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vjhb1fhm8GM
Welcome to Sansung English Ministry! We are an English/Korean speaking church that gathers to experience God and community (onsite and online). Our goal is Love God, Love Others and Serve the World.
Sunday Worship 1:30 PM @Dream Hall, Jeongnim-dong 27, Seogu, Daejeon
email: rev.sang@sansung.org
Website: www.sansung.org/international
Social Media: Click the images below to visit our youtube channel and facebook group:

(1) English Ministry Outing: Nov. 12th (Sat), Sejong National Arborretum. Cell group and staff members
(2) Preparing for Drida Choir with international members
-New Comers/Visitors
If you are here for the first time, please fill out a “Guestbook”(offline) or leave comments on our YouTube service(online) and join us for fellowship after the service.
-Small Group Guide
1. Read today's word together.
2. Intro: Is there something you want to do before 2022 is over?
3. When are times you feel guilty before God or feel you are not good enough before him? What should you be reminded of in those times?
from our OOO.
-Online Offering
농협(Nonghyup) 453817-55-004790(Sunday)
농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-18(Tithe)
농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-28(Thanks offering)
농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-48(Mission’s fund)
-Bible Reading
John 7-8
John 9-10
John 11-12
John 13-15
John 16-18
John 19-21