2023/12/24 Online Bulletin (Sansung English Ministry)

조회수 141

2023/12/24 Online Bulletin

Sermon: In Christ all shall be made alive

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20-22


Welcome to Sansung English Ministry! We are an English/Korean speaking church that gathers to experience God and community (onsite and online). Our goal is Love God, Love Others and Serve the World.

Sunday Worship 2:00 PM @Vision Hall, Jeongnim-dong 27, Seogu, Daejeon
email: seilko@sansung.org
Website: www.sansung.org/international
Social Media: Click the images below to visit our youtube channel and facebook group. 


1. Drida Choir Practice: Dec. 3, 10, 17 and 24 (Sundays)

2. Thank you for your Angel tree donations and prayer. 

-Prayer Request

1. Amy (Lee Jin-Young) sister has a noise-induced hearing loss. She will not be able to come to English Worship for a while. 

2. Sun-Ju sister has not come to English Worship due to her family and company works. Please pray for them and their family.

3. Emily’s mother is scheduled to take an operation on Dec. 27.

-New Comers/Visitors

Welcome to our church! We have small group meeting right after the service. Please join us for fellowship, conversation, and prayer.

-Small Group Guide

1. Read today's word together.

2. Intro: Jesus has been raised from the dead. What does it mean to you?

Please share your opinion.

3. What is the meaning of Jesus’ resurrection to your daily life?

For as in Adam all die, so also in OOOOOO shall all be made OOOOO.

-Online Offering

농협(Nonghyup) 453817-55-004790(Sunday)

농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-18(Tithe)

농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-28(Thanks offering)

농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-48(Mission’s fund)


-Bible Reading







2 Pet.

1 John

2 &3 John, Jude, Rev. 1-3

Rev. 4-10

Rev. 11-16

Rev. 17-22

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