2024/06/30 Online Bulletin
Sermon: When there’s a difference in Methods
Scripture: Matthew 1:19-20
Welcome to Sansung English Ministry! We are an English/Korean speaking church that gathers to experience God and community (onsite and online). Our goal is Love God, Love Others and Serve the World.
Sunday Worship 2:00 PM @Vision Hall, Jeongnim-dong 27, Seogu, Daejeon
email: sungkyul.kim@sansung.org
Website: www.sansung.org/international
Social Media: Click the images below to visit our youtube channel and facebook group.

1. Pastor Kim and Deacon Ko will preach once for two weeks.
-Prayer Request
-New Comers/Visitors
Welcome to our church! We have small group meeting right after the service. Please join us for fellowship, conversation, and prayer.
-Small Group Guide
1. Read today's word together.
2. Intro: How are you living today? What is your standard in your life?
3. If I can't still understand God's method, how was Joseph and Mary?
-Online Offering
농협(Nonghyup) 453817-55-004790(Sunday)
농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-18(Tithe)
농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-28(Thanks offering)
농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-48(Mission’s fund)
-Bible Reading
7/1(M) | 7/2(T) | 7/3(W) | 7/4(Th) | 7/5(F) |
Job 10
| Rom. 14
| Gen. 45
| Mark 15
| Job 11
2024/06/30 Online Bulletin
Sermon: When there’s a difference in Methods
Scripture: Matthew 1:19-20
Welcome to Sansung English Ministry! We are an English/Korean speaking church that gathers to experience God and community (onsite and online). Our goal is Love God, Love Others and Serve the World.
Sunday Worship 2:00 PM @Vision Hall, Jeongnim-dong 27, Seogu, Daejeon
email: sungkyul.kim@sansung.org
Website: www.sansung.org/international
Social Media: Click the images below to visit our youtube channel and facebook group.

1. Pastor Kim and Deacon Ko will preach once for two weeks.
-Prayer Request
-New Comers/Visitors
Welcome to our church! We have small group meeting right after the service. Please join us for fellowship, conversation, and prayer.
-Small Group Guide
1. Read today's word together.
2. Intro: How are you living today? What is your standard in your life?
3. If I can't still understand God's method, how was Joseph and Mary?
-Online Offering
농협(Nonghyup) 453817-55-004790(Sunday)
농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-18(Tithe)
농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-28(Thanks offering)
농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-48(Mission’s fund)
-Bible Reading