2023/07/16 Online Bulletin (Sansung English Ministry)

조회수 111

2023/07/16 Online Bulletin

Sermon: God Father-Son of God-Holy Spirit

Scripture: Joel 2:28

Service Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqOYGwlTWu4

Welcome to Sansung English Ministry! We are an English/Korean speaking church that gathers to experience God and community (onsite and online). Our goal is Love God, Love Others and Serve the World.

Sunday Worship 2:00 PM @Vision Hall, Jeongnim-dong 27, Seogu, Daejeon
email: rev.sang@sansung.org
Website: www.sansung.org/international
Social Media: Click the images below to visit our youtube channel and facebook group. 


On Sunday, October 1, 2023, the English service will have an athletic competition with the youth, Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese services.

-New Comers/Visitors

Welcome to our church! We have small group meeting right after the service. Please join us for fellowship, conversation, and prayer.

-Small Group Guide

1. Read today's word together.

2. Intro: How will you explain Trinity to your friends?

3. With whom are you familiar with? God Father, Son of God and Holy Spirit? And why?

God Father, Son of God and Holy Spirt are DIFFERENT but ONE.

-Online Offering

농협(Nonghyup) 453817-55-004790(Sunday)

농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-18(Tithe)

농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-28(Thanks offering)

농협(Nonghyup) 05858111-48(Mission’s fund)


-Bible Reading







Proverbs 14-16

Proverbs 17-19

Proverbs 20-22

Proverbs 23-24

Proverbs 25-28

Proverbs 29-31

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